use it or lose it
As the year winds down, it’s important to remember that your dental insurance benefits are a valuable resource that shouldn’t go to waste.
At Forever Smiles Family Dental, your trusted choice for dental care, we want to remind our patients to make the most of their dental insurance before December 31st, 2023.
Don’t let your benefits slip away – schedule your dental appointment today!

Why Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before the End of the Year?

Preventive Care Matters

Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining optimal oral health. Most dental insurance plans cover preventive services, such as cleanings and exams, at little to no out-of-pocket cost to you. By using your insurance benefits for these crucial services, you can catch and address dental issues early, potentially saving you from more extensive and expensive treatments down the road.

Maximizing Your Coverage

Many dental insurance plans come with an annual maximum – the highest amount your plan will pay for covered services in a calendar year. If you haven’t reached your maximum by the end of the year, you could be leaving money on the table. Don’t miss the opportunity to get the dental treatments you need while making the most of your coverage.

Dental Health Is Overall Health

Your oral health is closely linked to your overall well-being. Untreated dental problems can lead to systemic health issues. By using your dental insurance benefits for necessary treatments, you’re not just investing in a beautiful smile; you’re also investing in your health and quality of life.

Our Comprehensive Dental Services

At Forever Smiles Family Dental, we offer a wide range of dental services, including general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry, to meet your unique needs. Whether you require a routine check-up, a dental cleaning, a filling, or a cosmetic enhancement, our experienced team is here to provide top-notch care.

Don’t Wait – Schedule Your Appointment Today

Time is running out, and appointments can fill up quickly as the end of the year approaches. Secure your spot at our Tri-Cities best dental practice by scheduling your appointment now. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you in understanding your insurance coverage and making the most of your benefits.
Remember, dental insurance benefits typically do not roll over into the next year. If you don’t use them, you lose them. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to prioritize your oral health and make the most of your insurance coverage. Act today to ensure a healthy and confident smile for the year ahead.
Contact Forever Smiles Family Dental in the Tri-Cities today to schedule your end-of-year dental appointment. We look forward to helping you maintain a beautiful and healthy smile!